Upcoming Tanzania Conferences 2025


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International Conferences in Tanzania 2025

DATE Conference Name VENUE
13-03-25 International Conference on Business Tourism and Management (ICBTMAN-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
13-03-25 International Conference on Formal Power Series and Algebraic Combinatorics (ICFPSAC-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
13-03-25 International Conference on Women's and Children's Health (ICWCH-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
13-03-25 International Conference on Financial Mathematics (ICFM-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
17-03-25 International Conference on Distance Learning and Online Education Technologies (ICDLOET-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
17-03-25 International Conference on Airport Engineering, Management, Design and Construction (ICAEMDC-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
17-03-25 International Conference on Virtual Education and Distance Learning (ICVEDL-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
17-03-25 International Conference on Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering (ICOAME-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
21-03-25 International Conference on Biological Oceanography and Marine Biology (ICBOMB-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
21-03-25 International Conference on Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery (ICCCS-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
21-03-25 International Conference on Veterinary Medicine, Surgery and Medical Diagnosis (ICVMSMD-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
21-03-25 International Conference on Marine Resources Conservation and Human Impacts (ICMRCHI-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
25-03-25 International Conference on New Music Concepts (ICNMC-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
25-03-25 International Conference on Aerospace Systems and Avionics (ICASA-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
25-03-25 International Conference on Music and Performing Arts (ICMPA-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
25-03-25 International Conference on Colonial Architecture and Town Planning (ICCATP-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
28-03-25 International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food, Food Sciences and Technologies (ICAF3T-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
28-03-25 International Conference on Immune Pathology of Viral Diseases (ICIPVD-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
28-03-25 International Conference on Marine Biology (ICMB-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
28-03-25 International Conference on Neuro Infectious Diseases (ICNID-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
31-03-25 International Conference on Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (ICSSAH-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
31-03-25 International Conference on Biopolitics and Sexuality (ICBS-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
31-03-25 International Conference on Arts and Humanities (ICARHU-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
31-03-25 International Conference on Sexuality Studies (ICSSTUD-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
02-04-25 International Conference on Global Strategic Management (ICGSM-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
02-04-25 International Conference on Neurology Disorders, Stroke and Treatments (ICNDST-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
02-04-25 International Conference on Classroom Management and Control (ICCMC-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
02-04-25 International Conference on Sports Neurology and Head Injuries (ICSNHI-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
05-04-25 International Conference on Alternative Healthcare and Acupuncture (ICAHAA-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
05-04-25 International Conference on Pediatric Nursing & Healthcare (ICPNH-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
05-04-25 World Congress on Patient Safety & Nursing Healthcare (WCPSNH-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
05-04-25 International Conference on Sustainability in Hospitals and Healthcare (ICSHH-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
10-04-25 International Conference on Business Tourism and Management (ICBTMAN-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
10-04-25 International Conference on Mathematical Statistics and Actuarial Science (ICMSAS-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
10-04-25 World Conference on Supply Chain Management and Business (WCSCMB-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
10-04-25 International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics and Probability (ICOMSP-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
14-04-25 International Conference on African and Latin American Studies (ICALAS -25) Morogoro, Tanzania
14-04-25 International Conference on Ancient History and Art (ICAHA-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
14-04-25 International Conference on Security and Defense Studies (ICSDSS-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
14-04-25 International Conference on History of Law and Justice (ICHLJ-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
18-04-25 International Conference on Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery (ICCCS-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
18-04-25 International Conference on Biological Oceanography and Marine Biology (ICBOMB-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
18-04-25 International Conference on Heart Bypass Surgery (ICHBS -25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
18-04-25 International Conference on Marine Resources Conservation and Human-Caused Damage (ICMRCHCD-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
21-04-25 International Conference on Distance Learning and Online Education Technologies (ICDLOET-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
21-04-25 International Conference on Civil Engineering and New Urbanism (ICCENU-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
21-04-25 International Conference on Lifelong Learning and Distance Education (ICLLDE-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
21-04-25 International Conference on Aircraft Engineering and Aeroelasticity (ICAEA-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
22-04-25 International Conference on Workplace Law and Social Welfare Policy (ICWLSWP-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
22-04-25 International Conference on Enterprise Architecture and Digital Business (ICEADB-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
22-04-25 International Conference on Occupational Safety and Health at Work (ICOSHW-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
22-04-25 International Conference on Surveying Technology in Civil Engineering (ICSTCE-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
25-04-25 International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food, Food Sciences and Technologies (ICAF3T-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
25-04-25 International Conference on Neuro Infectious Diseases (ICNID-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
25-04-25 International Conference on Marine Science and Aquaculture (ICMSA-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
25-04-25 International Conference on Immune Pathology of Viral Diseases (ICIPVD-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
29-04-25 International Conference on Poverty (ICOPO-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
29-04-25 International Conference on New Music Concepts (ICNMC-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
29-04-25 International Conference on History of Music (ICOHM-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
29-04-25 International Conference on Social Inequality and Poverty (ICSIP-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
02-05-25 World Congress on Pediatric Surgery (WCPS-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
02-05-25 World Congress on Pediatric Surgery (WCPS-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
02-05-25 World Congress on Pediatric Surgery (WCPS-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
02-05-25 International Conference on Natural, Traditional & Alternative Medicine (ICNTAM-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
02-05-25 World Chinese Medicine, Yoga & Mental Health Congress (WCMYMHC-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
02-05-25 World Chinese Medicine, Yoga & Mental Health Congress (WCMYMHC-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
06-05-25 International Conference on Global Marketing and Trade (ICGMT-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
06-05-25 International Conference on Global Marketing and Trade (ICGMT-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
06-05-25 International Conference on Global Marketing and Trade (ICGMT-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
06-05-25 International Conference on Exercise Psychology and Physical Activity (ICEPAPA-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
06-05-25 International Conference on Sport and Exercise Medicine (ICSAEM-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
06-05-25 International Conference on Sport and Exercise Medicine (ICSAEM-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
07-05-25 International Conference on Studies in Phonetics (ICSP -25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
07-05-25 International Conference on Security Studies (ICSS -25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
08-05-25 International Conference on Entrepreneurship Studies on Electronic and Mobile Business (ICESEMB -25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
08-05-25 International Conference on Business, Economics and Globalization (ICBEG -25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
09-05-25 International Conference on Gynecology, Obstetrics and Infertility (ICGOI-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
09-05-25 International Conference on Gynecology, Obstetrics and Infertility (ICGOI-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
10-05-25 International Conference on Manufacturing Engineering and System Analysis (ICMESA-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
10-05-25 International Conference on Lean Systems and Manufacturing Practices (ICLSMP-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
12-05-25 International Conference on Vector-Borne Diseases, Public Health Resilience and Resilience (ICVBDPHRR-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
12-05-25 International Conference on Vector-Borne Diseases, Public Health Resilience and Resilience (ICVBDPHRR-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
12-05-25 International Conference on Vector-Borne Diseases, Public Health Resilience and Resilience (ICVBDPHRR-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
13-05-25 International Conference on Probability and Statistics (ICPROS-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
13-05-25 International conference on Mathematical Methods and Models in Biosciences (ICMMMB-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
15-05-25 International Congress on Education and Learning (CEL-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
15-05-25 World Conference on Teacher Education (WCTE-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
16-05-25 International Conference on Marine Biology (ICMB-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
16-05-25 International Conference on Environment and Life Science (ICELS-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
19-05-25 International Conference on Innovation, Technology and Knowledge Economy (ICITKE -25) Morogoro, Tanzania
19-05-25 International Conference on Health Economics and Management (ICHEM-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
21-05-25 International Conference on International Public Administration and Politics (ICIPAP -25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
21-05-25 International Conference on Social Movements, Protest and Politics (ICSMPP -25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
22-05-25 International Conference on Tourism Markets and Marketing Strategies (ICTMMS-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
22-05-25 International Conference on Tourism Markets and Marketing Strategies (ICTMMS-25) Zanzibar, Tanzania
24-05-25 International Conference on Computer Science (ICOCS-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
24-05-25 International Conference on Computer Science (ICOCS-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
24-05-25 International Conference on Computer Science, Mechatronics and Information Technology (ICCSMIT-25) Morogoro, Tanzania
30-05-25 International Conference on German Language and Literature Studies (ICGLLS-25) Morogoro, Tanzania