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Upcoming Health Conferences 2025

DATE Conference Name VENUE
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation and Public Health (ICWSPH-25) Bucharest, Romania
05-02-25 International Conference on Cardiology and Healthcare (ICCAHE-25) Toronto, Canada
05-02-25 International Congress on Future Neurology and Advances in Research and Treatment of Brain Disorders (ICFNARTBD-25) Port Elizabeth, South Africa
05-02-25 International conference on Neurology & Neurological Disorders (ICONND-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
05-02-25 International meet on Neurology and Orthopedic Surgery (ICNOS-25) Tampere, Finland
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation and Public Health (ICWSPH-25) Taipei City, Taiwan
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation, Environmental and Public Health (ICWSEPH-25) Luxembourg City, Luxembourg
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation and Public Health (ICWSPH-25) Venice, Italy
05-02-25 International Conference on Neurology and Psychology (ICONEPS-25) Saint Petersburg, Russia
05-02-25 International meet on Neurology and Orthopedic Surgery (ICNOS-25) Limassol, Cyprus
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation, Environmental and Public Health (ICWSEPH-25) Colombo, Sri Lanka
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation and Public Health (ICWSPH-25) Nagoya, Japan
05-02-25 International conference on Pediatric Neurology and Neuropathology (ICPNN-25) Calgary, Canada
05-02-25 International Conference on Renal Nursing and Nephrology (ICRNN-25) Tallinn, Estonia
05-02-25 International conference on Pediatric Neurology and Neuropathology (ICPNN-25) Limassol, Cyprus
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation, Environmental and Public Health (ICWSEPH-25) Colombo, Sri Lanka
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation and Public Health (ICWSPH-25) Nagoya, Japan
05-02-25 International Conference on Renal Nursing and Nephrology (ICRNN-25) Maputo, Mozambique
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation and Public Health (ICWSPH-25) Dallas, USA
05-02-25 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Healthcare (ICAIMLH-25) New York, USA
05-02-25 International Conference on Neurology and Neuroradiology (ICONN-25) Cannes, France
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation, Environmental and Public Health (ICWSEPH-25) Alexandria, Egypt
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation, Environmental and Public Health (ICWSEPH-25) Pattaya, Thailand
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation, Environmental and Public Health (ICWSEPH-25) Valencia, Venezuela
05-02-25 International Conference on Neurology and Brain Disorders (ICNBD-25) George Town, Malaysia
05-02-25 International Congress on Future Neurology and Advances in Research and Treatment of Brain Disorders (ICFNARTBD-25) Multan, Pakistan
05-02-25 International Conference on Water, Sanitation, Environmental and Public Health (ICWSEPH-25) Bristol, UK
05-02-25 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Applications (ICAIHA-25) Tokyo, Japan
05-02-25 International Conference on Cardiology and Healthcare (ICCAHE-25) Melbourne, Australia
05-02-25 International Conference on Oral Oncology and Maxillofacial Prosthetics (ICOOMP -25) Pokhara, Nepal