Upcoming Sweden Conferences 2025


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International Conferences in Sweden 2025

DATE Conference Name VENUE
22-02-25 International Conference on Health Information Technology and Future Prospects (ICHITFP-25) Stockholm, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Positive Psychology and Mental Health (ICOPPAMH-25) Stockholm, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Sociolinguistics and Discourse Analysis (ICSLDA-25) Malmo, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Engineering and Natural Science (ICENASCI-25) Stockholm, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Green Computing Models, Simulations and Designs (ICGCMSD-25) Stockholm, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Forensic Analytical Chemistry, Chemometrics and Statistics (ICFACCS-25) Gothenburg, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Engineering & Technology (ICET-25) Stockholm, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences (ICMMAS-25) Malmo Municipality, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (ICACAGA-25) Gothenburg, Sweden
22-02-25 World Chinese Medicine, Yoga & Mental Health Congress (WCMYMHC-25) Stockholm, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Environment and Life Science (ICELS-25) Malmo, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Mathematics, Probability and Statistics (ICOMPS-25) Malmo Municipality, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Forest Economics and Natural Resources (ICFENR-25) Stockholm, Sweden
22-02-25 International Conference on Social and Pervasive Computing (ICSPC-25) Stockholm, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Distance Education and Instructional Technology (ICDEIT-25) Gothenburg, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Anthropology, History, Philosophy and Archaeology (ICAHPA-25) Stockholm, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Recent Tends in Film Studies (ICRTFS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Distance Education (ICODE-25) Malmo Municipality, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Documentation Studies (ICODSS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on E-Assessment in Mathematical Sciences (ICEMS-25) Malmo, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Fusion Physics and Energy (ICFPE-25) Stockholm, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Physics (ICOP-25) Stockholm, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Distance Education and Online Courses (ICDEOC-25) Gothenburg, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Film Studies (ICFS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Online Collaborative Learning in Mathematics (ICOCLM -25) Malmo, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on War Studies and Military History (ICWSMH-25) Stockholm, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Distance Education and Teaching Methodologies (ICDETM-25) Malmo Municipality, Sweden
24-02-25 International Conference on Problems in African Politics (ICPAPS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
25-02-25 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Science (ICCEMS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
25-02-25 International Conference on Human Resources and Organisations (ICHRO-25) Stockholm, Sweden
25-02-25 International Conference on Seismic Design for Civil Engineering (ICSDCE-25) Stockholm, Sweden
25-02-25 International Conference on Aging, Gerontology & Geriatric Nursing (ICAGGN-25) Stockholm, Sweden
25-02-25 International Conference on Vocational Education and Training (ICVET-25) Stockholm, Sweden
25-02-25 International Conference on Education and Learning Sciences (ICOELS -25) Stockholm, Sweden
25-02-25 International Conference on Population and Human Resources (ICPHR-25) Stockholm, Sweden
25-02-25 International Conference on Geriatrics and Gerontology (ICGTGY-25) Stockholm, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics (ICAMTPHY-25) Stockholm, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Aggression and Violence (ICAV-25) Stockholm, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Studies in Phonetics (ICSP -25) Stockholm, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Recycling and Waste Management (ICRWM-25) Stockholm, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Cognitive Revolution, Computers and Interdisciplinary Activities (ICCRCIA -25) Malmo, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Spanish and Latin American Studies (ICSLAS -25) Gothenburg, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Suicide Terrorism Studies (ICSTS -25) Malmo Municipality, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis (ICCMNA -25) Stockholm, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Security Studies (ICSS -25) Malmo Municipality, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Wastewater Management Technology (ICWMT-25) Stockholm, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies (ICILPS-25) Malmo, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Digital American Literature (ICDAL -25) Gothenburg, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Religious Violence (ICRV-25) Stockholm, Sweden
26-02-25 International Conference on Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ICLACS -25) Stockholm, Sweden
27-02-25 International Conference on Industrial Chemistry and Engineering (ICICE-25) Stockholm, Sweden
27-02-25 International Conference on Economics and Business Management (ICEBM-25) Stockholm, Sweden
27-02-25 International Conference on Cosmetic and Clinical Dermatology (ICOCCD-25) Stockholm, Sweden
27-02-25 International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning (STEL-25) Stockholm, Sweden
27-02-25 International Conference on Red Biotechnology and Vaccine Development (ICRBVD-25) Stockholm, Sweden
27-02-25 International Conference on Clinical Dermatology (ICCD -25) Stockholm, Sweden
27-02-25 International Conference on Global Studies (IC-GS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
27-02-25 International Conference on Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (ICBESR -25) Stockholm, Sweden
28-02-25 International Conference on HIV, AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (ICHASTI-25) Malmo, Sweden
28-02-25 International Conference on Waste Management and Environmental Engineering (ICWMEE-25) Stockholm, Sweden
28-02-25 International Conference on Mathematics in Operational Research (ICMOR -25) Stockholm, Sweden
28-02-25 International Conference on English Learning and Teaching (ICELT-25) Stockholm, Sweden
28-02-25 International Conference on Gastroenterology and Enteroscopy (ICGE-25) Stockholm, Sweden
28-02-25 International Conference on Discrete Applied Mathematics and Mathematical Programming (ICDAMMP-25) Stockholm, Sweden
28-02-25 International Conference on Gastroenterology, Endoscopic Procedures and Standards (ICGEPS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
28-02-25 International Conference on Auditory Rehabilitation and Hearing Aids Technology (ICARHAT-25) Malmo, Sweden
28-02-25 International Conference on Environmental Meteorology and Climatology (ICEMC-25) Stockholm, Sweden
28-02-25 International Conference on English Historical Linguistics (ICEHL-25) Stockholm, Sweden
01-03-25 International Conference on Experimental Genetics and Genomics (ICEGG-25) Stockholm, Sweden
01-03-25 International Conference on Ecological and Evolutionary Genetics (ICEEG-25) Stockholm, Sweden
01-03-25 International Conference on Sport, Exercise and Health Sciences (ICSEHS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
01-03-25 International Conference on Architectural Conservation, Engineering and Cultural Heritage (ICACECH -25) Stockholm, Sweden
01-03-25 International Conference on Sport Medicine and Exercise Science (ICSMES-25) Stockholm, Sweden
01-03-25 International Conference on Museum Studies and Cultural Heritage Management (ICMSCHM -25) Stockholm, Sweden
01-03-25 International Conference on Mathematical Ecology, Statistics and Dynamics (ICMESD-25) Stockholm, Sweden
01-03-25 International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Distance Education (ICODE-25) Stockholm, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on African Studies, History and Archaeology (ICASHA -25) Stockholm, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Economics, Business, Management and Finance Research (ICEBMFR-25) Stockholm, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Sport Finance and Management (ICSFM-25) Stockholm, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Healthcare Simulation Technologies, Physical Diagnosis and Surgery (ICHSTPDS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Taxation Studies (ICTS -25) Malmo Municipality, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Hybrid Warfare Studies (ICHWS -25) Malmo Municipality, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on African Studies, History and Archaeology (ICASHA -25) Stockholm, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry Treatments and Causes (ICACDTC-25) Malmo, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Distance Education and Instructional Technology (ICDEIT-25) Stockholm, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Emerging Focus in Diabetes Research (ICEFDR-25) Stockholm, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Forensic Dentistry and Bite Mark Analysis (ICFDBMA-25) Malmo, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology (ICASAT-25) Gothenburg, Sweden
03-03-25 International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Systems Engineering (ICMASE-25) Gothenburg, Sweden
04-03-25 International Conference on Philosophy and Psychology (ICOPPA-25) Stockholm, Sweden
04-03-25 International Conference on Gynecology, Obstetrics and Infertility (ICGOI-25) Stockholm, Sweden
04-03-25 International Conference on Foundations of Stable, Generalizable and Transferable Statistical Learning (ICFSGTSL-25) Stockholm, Sweden
04-03-25 International Conference on Applied Statistics for Agricultural and Life Sciences (ICASALS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
04-03-25 International Conference on Philosophy of Religion (ICPR-25) Stockholm, Sweden
04-03-25 International Conference on Anthropological and Sociological Sciences (ICASS-25) Stockholm, Sweden
04-03-25 International Conference on Wastewater (ICW-25) Stockholm, Sweden
04-03-25 International Conference on African Studies and Philosophy (ICASP-25) Stockholm, Sweden
05-03-25 International Conference on Bioengineering and Biosciences (ICBB-25) Stockholm, Sweden
05-03-25 International Conference on Education, Learning and Management (ICELM-25) Malmo, Sweden