Attend academic Conferences with Journal Publications

DATE Conference Name VENUE
23-12-2024 International Conference on Bio-Inspired Robotics Modeling (ICBIRM-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
23-12-2024 International Conference on African Swine Fever, Socio-Economic Drivers and Impacts (ICASFSEDI -24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
23-12-2024 International Conference on Broadcast Engineering and Communication Studies (ICBECS -24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
23-12-2024 International Conference on Learning in Higher Education (ICLHE-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
23-12-2024 International Conference on homological algebra (ICHA-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
23-12-2024 International Conference on Evidence-Based Management in Marketing, Economics and Human Resource (ICEBMMEHR-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
23-12-2024 International Conference on Linguistics and Applied Linguistics (ICLAL-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
23-12-2024 International Conference on Latin American and Caribbean Studies (ICLACS -24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
24-12-2024 International Conference on Advances in Applied Mathematics and Mathematical (ICAAMMP -24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
24-12-2024 International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Renewable Energy (ICENVERE-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
24-12-2024 International Conference on Politics and Sociology (ICPSOC-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
24-12-2024 World Conference on Teacher Education (WCTE-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
24-12-2024 International Conference on Creativity and Intelligence (ICCI-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
24-12-2024 International Conference on Mechanical, Robotics and Aerospace Engineering (ICMRAE-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
Ipoh, Malaysia
24-12-2024 International Conference on Pediatrics Dermatology and Neonatal Diabetes Treatments (ICPDNDT-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
24-12-2024 International Conference on Politics and Sociology (ICPSOC-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
25-12-2024 International Conference on Business, Politics, Technologies and Law (ICBPTL-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
25-12-2024 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics (ICAIM-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
25-12-2024 International Conference of Social Sciences & Technology (ICSST-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
25-12-2024 International Conference on Aircraft Engineering and Flight Systems (ICAEFS-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
25-12-2024 International Conference on Nuclear Waste Management and Nuclear Safety (ICNWMNS-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
25-12-2024 International Conference on Enterprise Resource Planning and Financial Management Solutions (ICERPFMS-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
25-12-2024 International Conference on American Literature and Comics (ICALCO-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
25-12-2024 International Conference on Food Safety and Food Hygiene in Food Science (ICFSFHFS -24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
25-12-2024 International Conference on American Literature and Comics (ICALCO-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
26-12-2024 International Conference on Cell Biology, Functions and Processes (ICCBFP-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
26-12-2024 International Conference on Urban Forestry and Statistics (ICUFS-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
26-12-2024 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Climate Studies (ICICS-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
26-12-2024 International Conference on Advanced Technologies and their Applications in Agriculture (ICATAA-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
26-12-2024 International Conference on Computational Surgery, Anesthesiology and Clinical Applications (ICCSACA-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
26-12-2024 International Conference on Arithmetic Number Theory (ICANT-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
26-12-2024 International Conference on Remanufacturing Engineering and Processes (ICREP-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
26-12-2024 International Conference on Clinical Nursing and Technological Advances in Nursing (ICCNTAN-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
27-12-2024 International Conference on Textile Development and Marketing (ICTDM-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
27-12-2024 International Conference on Veterinary Gastroenterology and Comparative Gastroenterology (ICVGCG-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
27-12-2024 International Conference on Innovations in Electrical Reliability Engineering (ICIERE-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
27-12-2024 International Conference on Performance Marketing and Marketing Techniques (ICPMMT-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
27-12-2024 International Conference on Problem Based Pedagogies in Higher Education (ICPBPHE-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
27-12-2024 International Conference on Investment Analysis and Financial Asset Management (ICIAFAM-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
27-12-2024 International Conference on Mathematical Forestry and Statistics (ICMFAS-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
27-12-2024 International Conference on Environment and Life Science (ICELS-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
30-12-2024 International Conference on Disaster Management (ICDM-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
30-12-2024 International Symposium on Teaching, Education, and Learning (STEL-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
30-12-2024 International Conference on Applied and Engineering Mathematics (ICAEMAT-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
30-12-2024 International Conference on Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (ICACAGA-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
30-12-2024 International Conference on Geography and the Environment (ICGTE -24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
30-12-2024 International Conference on African Philosophy and Culture (ICAPC -24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
30-12-2024 International Conference on Soil Productivity and Quality (ICSPQ-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
30-12-2024 International Conference on Business Tourism and Events Industry (ICBTEI-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
30-12-2024 International Conference on Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (ICACAGA-24)
Ipoh, Malaysia
01-01-2025 International Conference on Corporate Finance and Financial Risk Management (ICCFFRM-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
01-01-2025 International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology (ICEIT-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
01-01-2025 International Conference on Cancer Imaging and Radiology (ICCIR-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
01-01-2025 International Conference on Radiation Therapy and Radiology (ICRTR-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
Ipoh, Malaysia
01-01-2025 International Conference on Science, Engineering & Technology (ICSET-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
02-01-2025 International Conference on Radio Resource Management and Control (ICRRMC-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
02-01-2025 International Conference on Human Dignity, Civil and Political Rights (ICHDCPR-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
02-01-2025 International Conference on Civil and Mechanical Engineering (ICCME-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
02-01-2025 International Conference on Geography, Urban and Environmental Studies (ICGUES-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
02-01-2025 International Conference on Computational Mathematics, Complex Systems and Statistics (ICCMCSS-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
02-01-2025 International Conference on Urban Development Studies (ICUDS-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
02-01-2025 International Conference on Quantum Control Engineering, Statistics and Analysis (ICQCESA-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
02-01-2025 International Conference on Recent Advances in Management, Sociology and Psychology (ICRAMSP-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
02-01-2025 International Conference on Atmospheric Chemistry, Physics, Nucleation and Aerosols (ICACPNA -25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
02-01-2025 International Conference on Sociology, Islam and Post-Islamism (ICSIPI-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
03-01-2025 International Conference on German Language and Literature Studies (ICGLLS-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
03-01-2025 International Conference on Naturopathic Medicine and Pharmacy (ICNMAP-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
03-01-2025 International Conference on Innovation and Systems Engineering    (ICISE-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
03-01-2025 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (ICAIEERE-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
03-01-2025 International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Systems Engineering (ICMASE-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
03-01-2025 International Conference On Energy Storage Materials (ICOESM-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
03-01-2025 International Conference on Pharmacy and Pharmacology Science (ICPAPSC-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
03-01-2025 International Conference on Learning in Higher Education (ICLHE-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
03-01-2025 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Studies and Education (ICMSAE-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
04-01-2025 International Conference on Evolutionary Genetics and Biodiversity (ICEGB-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
04-01-2025 International Conference on Cultural Heritage Management, Heritage Curation and Interpretation (ICCHMHCI -25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
04-01-2025 International Conference on Ecotourism Activities and Cultural Heritage Conservation (ICEACHC -25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
04-01-2025 International Conference on Sports Science (ICOSS-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
04-01-2025 International Conference on Recent Advances in Economics, Finance and Statistics (ICRAEFS-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
04-01-2025 International Conference on Sport Management, Business and Marketing (ICSMBM-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
06-01-2025 International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Systems Engineering (ICMASE-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
06-01-2025 International Conference on Discourse Analysis (ICODAN-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
06-01-2025 International Conference on Theology and Religious Studies (ICTRS -25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
06-01-2025 International Conference on Auto Immune Diseases and Healthcare (ICAIDH-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
06-01-2025 International Conference on Developing Countries and Healthcare (ICDCH-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
06-01-2025 International Conference on Aerospace and Aviation Engineering (ICAAE-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
06-01-2025 International Conference on Experimental Finance and Testing Models (ICEFTM-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
07-01-2025 International Conference on Philosophy, Sciences, Scientific Method and Inquiry (ICPSSMI-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
07-01-2025 International Conference on Water, Energy and Environmental Management (ICOWEEM-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
07-01-2025 International Conference on Ecology (IC-E-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
07-01-2025 International Conference on Philosophy, Culture and Society (ICPCAS-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
07-01-2025 International Conference on Philosophy of Religion (ICPR-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
07-01-2025 International Conference on Local Tourism Activities and Tourism Statistics (ICLTATS-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
07-01-2025 International Conference on Philosophy, Psychology and Spirituality (ICOPPS -25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
08-01-2025 International Conference on Vision Science, Physiology and Neurology (ICVSPN-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
08-01-2025 International Conference on Business, Economics and Management (BEM-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
08-01-2025 International Conference on Economics and Business Management (ICEBM-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia
08-01-2025 World Congress on Medicinal Plants & Natural Products Research (WCMPNPR-25)
Ipoh, Malaysia