Attend academic Conferences with Journal Publications

DATE Conference Name VENUE
23-12-2024 International Conference on Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra (ICACAGA-24) Rome, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Quality Assurance and Management in Higher Education (ICQAMHE-24) Milan, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Recent Smart Material Research (ICRSMR-24) Venice, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (ICCSIT-24) Florence, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Contemporary Asian Studies and Asian History (ICCASAH -24) Venice, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Eastern Religions and Philosophy (ICERP-24) Milan, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on German Language and Literature (ICGLL-24) Naples, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Smart Business Dealmakers (ICSBD -24) Rome, Italy
23-12-2024 World Conference on Accountants (WCA-24) Florence, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Structural Engineering and Technology (ICOSET-24) Milan, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Educational Policy Studies, Management Studies, Leadership and Practice (ICEPSMSLP -24) Milan, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Studies in Space Law (ICSSL -24) Rome, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Tourism and Hospitality Studies (ICTHS-24) Milan, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Environmental Geotechnics for Sustainable Applications (ICEGSA-24) Milan, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Broadcast Engineering and Communication Studies (ICBECS -24) Rome, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Human Support Technologies and Human Machine Interaction (ICHSTHMI-24) Rome, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering, (ICMMME-24) Genoa, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Business, Politics, Technologies and Law (ICBPTL-24) Milan, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Geometry and Algebra in Optimization (ICGAIO-24) Florence, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Mechanical, Aerospace and Production Engineering (ICMAEROPE-24) Florence, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Aerospace, Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering (ICAMME-24) Rome, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Talent Management and Human Resource Planning (ICTMHRP-24) Venice, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Atomic Physics, Systems and Applications (ICAPSA-24) Rome, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Small Animal Cardiology and Veterinary Medicine (ICSACVM-24) Milan, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on African Diaspora for Democracy and Development (ICADDD -24) Milan, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Institutional Development, Business law and Social Science Research (ICIDBSSR-24) Venice, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Virtual Learning and Distance Education (ICVLDE-24) Florence, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Engineering (ICSPCE-24) Rome, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Distance Education and Learning Methodologies (ICDELM-24) Rome, Italy