Attend academic Conferences with Journal Publications

DATE Conference Name VENUE
23-12-2024 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (ICAIE-24) Izmir, Turkey
23-12-2024 International Conference on Process Intensification Technologies for Green Chemistry (ICPITGC-24) Izmir, Turkey
25-12-2024 International Conference on Business and Industrial Statistics (ICBIS-24) Izmir, Turkey
25-12-2024 International Conference on Recent Challenges in Engineering and Technology (ICRCET-24) Izmir, Turkey
30-12-2024 International Conference on Multidisciplinary Innovations and Research (ICMIR-24) Izmir, Turkey
30-12-2024 International Conference on Dermatology, Leprology and Venereology (ICDLV-24) Izmir, Turkey
02-01-2025 International Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, and Number Theory (ICGCNT-25) Izmir, Turkey
02-01-2025 International Conference on Statistics and Data Science (ICSDS-25) Izmir, Turkey
03-01-2025 International Conference on English Literature and Linguistics (ICELL-25) Izmir, Turkey
03-01-2025 International Conference on English and American Studies (ICEAS-25) Izmir, Turkey
08-01-2025 International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC-25) Izmir, Turkey
08-01-2025 International Conference on Design Creativity (ICODC-25) Izmir, Turkey
10-01-2025 International Conference on Family Economics and Family Policy (ICFEFP -25) Izmir, Turkey
10-01-2025 International Conference on General Pediatrics and Pediatric Heart Disorder Diagnosis (ICGPPHDD-25) Izmir, Turkey
13-01-2025 International Conference on Lifelong Learning and Distance Education (ICLLDE-25) Izmir, Turkey
13-01-2025 International Conference on Distance Learning and Online Education Technologies (ICDLOET-25) Izmir, Turkey
15-01-2025 International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Forestry (ICSAEF-25) Izmir, Turkey
15-01-2025 International Conference on Agriculture, Forest, Food, Food Sciences and Technologies (ICAF3T-25) Izmir, Turkey
16-01-2025 International Conference on Microbial Biotechnology and Microbial Interactions (ICMBMI-25) Izmir, Turkey
16-01-2025 International Conference on Biofuels and Environmental Biotechnology (ICOBEB-25) Izmir, Turkey
17-01-2025 International Conference on Applied Linguistics and Language Practice (ICALLP-25) Izmir, Turkey
17-01-2025 International Conference on Language Learning and Teaching (ICLLAT-25) Izmir, Turkey
20-01-2025 International Conference on Immigration Studies (ICIS-25) Izmir, Turkey
20-01-2025 International Conference on Cybersecurity Studies (ICCSTUD-25) Izmir, Turkey
22-01-2025 International Conference on Women Oncology and Infertility (ICWCI -25) Izmir, Turkey
22-01-2025 International Conference on Oncology (ICO-25) Izmir, Turkey
24-01-2025 International Conference on Precision Teaching Applications and Special Education (ICPTASE-25) Izmir, Turkey
24-01-2025 International Conference on Evidence-Based Educational Methods, Computers and Adaptive Instruction (ICEBEMCAI-25) Izmir, Turkey
28-01-2025 International Conference on Language Sciences and Corpus Design (ICLSCD-25) Izmir, Turkey
28-01-2025 International Conference on Aircraft and Aerospace Structural Design (ICAASD-25) Izmir, Turkey