Attend academic Conferences with Journal Publications

DATE Conference Name VENUE
23-12-2024 International Conference on Mechanical, Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering, (ICMMME-24) Genoa, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Electrical and Power Electronics (ICEPE-24) Genoa, Italy
23-12-2024 International Conference on Electrical and Power Electronics (ICEPE-24) Genoa, Italy
25-12-2024 International Conference on European Law and Vaccine Policy (ICELVP -24) Genoa, Italy
25-12-2024 International Conference on Business and Economics (ICBUSECO-24) Genoa, Italy
26-12-2024 International Conference on Local Tourism Activities and Tourism Statistics (ICLTATS-24) Genoa, Italy
26-12-2024 International Conference on Gender Perspectives and Current Policies in Education (ICGPCPE-24) Genoa, Italy
30-12-2024 International Conference on Distance Education Technologies (ICDET-24) Genoa, Italy
30-12-2024 International Conference on Marine Science and Aquaculture (ICMSA-24) Genoa, Italy
01-01-2025 International Conference on Natural, Traditional & Alternative Medicine (ICNTAM-25) Genoa, Italy
01-01-2025 International Conference on Transnational Studies and American Literature (ICTSAL -25) Genoa, Italy
03-01-2025 International Conference On Multidisciplinary Research and Practices (ICMRP-25) Genoa, Italy
04-01-2025 International Conference on Medical Health and Science (ICOMHS-25) Genoa, Italy
04-01-2025 International Conference on Medical Health and Science (ICOMHS-25) Genoa, Italy
06-01-2025 International Conference on Education Sciences, Distance Education and Educational Technology (ICESDEET-25) Genoa, Italy
06-01-2025 International Conference on Distance Education and Innovative Teaching Models (ICDEITM-25) Genoa, Italy
07-01-2025 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Materials Science (ICCEMS-25) Genoa, Italy
07-01-2025 International Conference on Structural and Civil Engineering (ICSCE-25) Genoa, Italy
09-01-2025 International conference on Society for Business Ethics (ICSFBE-25) Genoa, Italy
09-01-2025 International Conference on Business Ethics and Social Responsibility (ICBESR -25) Genoa, Italy
11-01-2025 International Conference on Human Evolution and Speciation Genetics (ICHESG-25) Genoa, Italy
11-01-2025 World Congress on Cell and Structural Biology (WCCSB-25) Genoa, Italy
14-01-2025 International Conference on Music Acoustics, Sound and Music Computing (ICMASMC-25) Genoa, Italy
14-01-2025 International Conference on Music, Musical Gestures and Embodied Cognition (ICMMGEC-25) Genoa, Italy
17-01-2025 International Conference on Adolescent Medicine & Child Psychology (ICAMCP-25) Genoa, Italy
20-01-2025 International Conference on African Studies, Environment and Conservation (ICASEC -25) Genoa, Italy
20-01-2025 International Conference on Administrative and Public Studies (ICAAPUBS-25) Genoa, Italy
25-01-2025 International Conference on Space-Based and Situated Computing (ICSBSC-25) Genoa, Italy
27-01-2025 International Conference on Microwave Assisted Synthesis and Microwave Chemistry (ICOMASMC-25) Genoa, Italy