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Upcoming Burma Conferences 2025

DATE Conference Name VENUE
05-02-25 International Conference on Cognitive Revolution, Historical Background and Interdisciplinary Activities (ICCRHBIA -25) Bago, Burma
05-02-25 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Activities and Cognitive Revolution (ICIACR -25) Bago, Burma
05-02-25 International Conference on Computer Systems Engineering and Technology (ICCSET-25) Yangon, Burma
05-02-25 International Conference on Computer Engineering and Applications (ICCEA-25) Yangon, Burma
07-02-25 International Conference on Urban Transportation and City Logistics (ICUTCL-25) Bago, Burma
07-02-25 International Conference on Supply Chain and Operations Resilience (ICSCOR-25) Bago, Burma
07-02-25 International Conference on Marine Resources Conservation and Human-Caused Damage (ICMRCHCD-25) Yangon, Burma
07-02-25 International Conference on Marine Resources Conservation and Human-Caused Damage (ICMRCHCD-25) Yangon, Burma
08-02-25 International Conference on Sport Science and Triathlon Science (ICSSTS-25) Bago, Burma
08-02-25 International Conference On Sports Nutrition And Supplements (ICOSNAS-25) Bago, Burma
10-02-25 International Conference on Physics and Cybernetics (ICPAC-25) Yangon, Burma
10-02-25 International Conference on Financial Mathematics (ICFM-25) Bago, Burma
10-02-25 International Conference on Environmental Physics and Climate Change (ICEPCC-25) Yangon, Burma
10-02-25 International Conference on Mathematics, Statistics, Education & Law (ICMSEL-25) Bago, Burma
12-02-25 International Conference on Education, Learning and Management (ICELM-25) Bago, Burma
12-02-25 International Conference on Applied Cultural Anthropology (ICOACA-25) Yangon, Burma
12-02-25 International Conference on Cyborg Anthropology (ICCA-25) Yangon, Burma
14-02-25 International Conference on Dispensing Pharmacy and Therapeutics (ICDPT -25) Bago, Burma
14-02-25 International Conference on Civil Defense and Disaster Management (ICCDDM-25) Yangon, Burma
14-02-25 International Conference on Geomatics, Disasters Management and Rapid Mapping (ICGDMRM-25) Yangon, Burma
14-02-25 International Conference on Community Pharmacy Research (ICCPR-25) Bago, Burma
18-02-25 International Conference on Eastern Philosophy and East Asian Philosophies (ICEPEAP -25) Yangon, Burma
18-02-25 International Conference on Engineering, Social- Sciences, And Humanities (ICESSH-25) Bago, Burma
18-02-25 International Conference on Human Computer Interaction Technologies and Applications (ICHCITA -25) Bago, Burma
18-02-25 International Conference on Database Marketing and Data Driven Marketing (ICDMDDM -25) Yangon, Burma
20-02-25 Internaional conference on Entrepreneurship and Business Management (ICEABM-25) Bago, Burma
20-02-25 International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Regional Development (ICEIRD-25) Bago, Burma
22-02-25 International Conference on Communications and Information Technology Security (ICCITS-25) Bago, Burma
22-02-25 International Conference on Neonatal Diabetes and Hyperinsulinism in Pediatrics (ICNDHP-25) Yangon, Burma