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Upcoming Psychiatry Conferences 2025

DATE Conference Name VENUE
05-02-25 World Congress on Controversies In Neurology (WCCN-25) Islamabad, Pakistan
05-02-25 International Conference on Psychology (ICOPS-25) Salzburg, Austria
05-02-25 International Conference on Sport Psychology, Leadership and Coaching (ICSPLC-25) Las vegas, USA
05-02-25 International Conference on Sport Psychology, Leadership and Coaching (ICSPLC-25) Tarija, Bolivia
05-02-25 International Conference on Ethics and Practice in Forensic Psychology (ICEPFP-25) Shanghai, China
05-02-25 International Conference on Sport Psychology, Leadership and Coaching (ICSPLC-25) Singapore, Singapore
06-02-25 International Conference on Neuroscience, Psychiatry and Biological Psychiatry (ICNPBP-25) Hamad Town, Bahrain
06-02-25 International Conference on Biological Psychology and Neuroscience (ICBPN-25) Abbotsford, Canada
06-02-25 International Conference on Biological Psychology and Neuroscience (ICBPN-25) Hamad Town, Bahrain
07-02-25 International Conference on Recent Challenges in Psychiatry (ICRCP-25) Bogota, Colombia
07-02-25 International Conference on Sport Psychology, Coaching and Team Awareness (ICSPCTA-25) Shenzhen, China
07-02-25 International Conference on Sport Psychology, Arousal and Performance (ICSPAP-25) Kenema, Sierra Leone
07-02-25 International Conference on Sport Psychology, Goal Setting and Practice (ICSPGSP-25) victoria-Mahe, Seychelles
07-02-25 International Conference on Pediatric Psychiatry and Medicine (ICPPM-25) Istanbul, Turkey
07-02-25 International Conference on Clinical Child Psychiatry and Child Well Being (ICCCPCWB-25) Nuuk, Greenland
07-02-25 International Conference on Sport Psychology, Consulting and Effective Goal Setting (ICSPCEGS-25) Nuuk, Greenland
07-02-25 International Conference on Computational Cognition and Psychology (ICCCP-25) Bogota, Colombia
07-02-25 International Conference on Applied Biological Psychology (ICABP-25) Shenzhen, China
07-02-25 International Conference on Clinical Child Psychiatry and Behavioral Health (ICCCPBH-25) Kenema, Sierra Leone
07-02-25 International Conference on Environmental and Conservation Psychology (ICECP-25) victoria-Mahe, Seychelles
08-02-25 International Conference on Neurological Surgery and Psychiatry (ICNSP-25) Manila, Philippines
08-02-25 International Conference on Sports Psychology and Psychiatry (ICOSPP-25) Istanbul, Turkey
08-02-25 International Conference on Health Psychology and Social Psychiatry (ICHPSP-25) Miami, USA
08-02-25 International Conference on Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Deficiency (ICAPMD-25) Beijing, China
08-02-25 International Conference on Computational Cognition and Psychology (ICCCP-25) Berlin, Germany
08-02-25 International Conference on Applied Biological Psychology (ICABP-25) Dublin, Ireland
08-02-25 International Conference on Environmental and Conservation Psychology (ICECP-25) Milan, Italy
08-02-25 International Conference on Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine (ICPBM-25) Patiya Upazila, Bangladesh
08-02-25 International Conference on Ageing, Psychology and Neuroscience (ICAPN-25) Copenhagen, Denmark
08-02-25 International Conference on Pedagogy and Psychology (ICOPAP-25) Seoul, South Korea