Sierra Leone

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Upcoming Sierra Leone Conferences 2025

DATE Conference Name VENUE
05-02-25 International Conference on Veterinary Neurology, Neurosurgery and Neuroanatomy (ICVNNN-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
05-02-25 International Conference on Pharma Supply Chain & Logistics (ICPSCL-25) Kenema, Sierra Leone
05-02-25 International Conference on Public Policy and Social Sciences (ICPPSS -25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
05-02-25 International Conference on Business Performance and Supply Chain Modelling (ICBPSCM-25) Kenema, Sierra Leone
05-02-25 International Conference on Public Opinion and Public Policy (ICPOPP-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
05-02-25 International Conference on Tumours and Neurology (ICTN-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
06-02-25 International Conference on Clinical Nursing Studies and Clinical Evaluation (ICCNSCE -25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
06-02-25 International Conference on Biogas Science and Technology (ICBSAT -25) Kenema, Sierra Leone
06-02-25 International Conference on Occupational Safety and Health Studies (ICOSHS-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
06-02-25 International Conference on Occupational Therapy (ICOT-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
06-02-25 International Conference on Democracy and European Law Analysis (ICDELA -25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
06-02-25 International Conference on Biocompatible Materials Science (ICBMS -25) Kenema, Sierra Leone
07-02-25 International Conference on Children, Women, and Social Studies (ICCWSS-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
07-02-25 International Conference on Clinical Child Psychiatry and Behavioral Health (ICCCPBH-25) Kenema, Sierra Leone
07-02-25 International Conference on Sport Psychology, Arousal and Performance (ICSPAP-25) Kenema, Sierra Leone
07-02-25 International Conference on Physical Education for Children and Youth with Visual Impairments (ICPECYVI-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
08-02-25 International Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies (ICRET-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
08-02-25 International Conference on Renewable Energy and Energy Conversion Processes (ICREECP-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
08-02-25 International Conference on Cultural Heritage Management and Conservation (ICCHMC -25) Kenema, Sierra Leone
08-02-25 International Conference on Communications and Information Technology Security (ICCITS-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
08-02-25 International Conference on Veterinary Dermatology and Allergy (ICVDA-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
08-02-25 International Conference on Cultural Heritage and Tourism Development (ICCHTD -25) Kenema, Sierra Leone
08-02-25 International Conference on Geoinformation Science, Engineering and Technology (ICGSET-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
08-02-25 International Conference on Veterinary Dermatology (ICOVD-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
10-02-25 International Conference on Effects and Prevention of Diabetes (ICEPD-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
10-02-25 World Conference on Financial Accounting (WCFA-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
10-02-25 World Conference on Accounting and Finance (WCAF-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
10-02-25 International conference on Astronomy and Relativisitc Astrophysics (ICARA-25) Kenema, Sierra Leone
10-02-25 International Conference on Health Information Technology and Primary Healthcare (ICHITPH-25) Freetown, Sierra Leone
10-02-25 International Conference on Optics, Lasers and Spectroscopy (ICOOLS-25) Kenema, Sierra Leone