Upcoming Bangladesh Conferences 2025


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International Conferences in Bangladesh 2025

Bangladesh is all set for the International Conference 2025, a prestigious event that brings together global thought leaders, experts and professionals to share insights based on their life and experience to ignite creativity and collaboration. Bangladesh, with its rich cultural heritage and warm hospitality, provides a comfortable environment for international conferences. The country’s modern infrastructure and growing prominence as a global hub make it an ideal destination for networking, knowledge exchange, and groundbreaking discussions across various fields of science and business.

Whether you're a researcher, academician, or industry professional, this event offers a unique platform to showcase your work and connect with like-minded individuals from different parts of the globe. Academic world research hosts conferences in Bangladesh with invitation letters which are given immediately upon registration. Join us in 2025 for an unforgettable experience and Don’t miss this chance to be part of a transformative event!

DATE Conference Name VENUE
22-02-25 International Conference on Probability and Statistics (ICPROS-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Discourse Studies (ICDS-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Environment and Life Science (ICELS-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
22-02-25 World Congress on Veterinary and Animal Health (WCVAH-25) Bogra, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Wireless Sensor Networks, Ubiquitous Computing and Applications (ICWSNUCA-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on homological algebra (ICHA-25) Chhatak Upazila, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics (ICMMS-25) Gazipur, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Connected Vehicles and Vehicular Networking (ICCVVN-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nano-Structured Materials  (ICUGNSM-25) Khulna, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Internationalism and Globalization (ICIG-25) Patiya Upazila, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Identity, Culture and Communication (ICICC-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Ultrafine Grained and Nano-Structured Materials  (ICUGNSM-25) Khulna, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Gender Identity and LGBT Rights (ICGILGBTR-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Food Nanotechnology and Food Safety (ICFNFS -25) Sylhet, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Safety Food Processing and Toxic Components (ICSFPTC-25) Sylhet, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Operations Research, Statistics and Industrial Engineering (ICORSIE-25) Gazipur, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Quranic and Islamic Studies (ICQIS-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
22-02-25 World Conference on Energy Materials and Fuel Cell Research (WCEMFCR-25) Savar Upazila, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Cultural Tourism, Museum and Heritage Studies (ICCTMHS-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Islamic Studies and Philosophy (ICISP-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Tourism Statistics and Economic Contribution (ICTSEC-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Sociology, Islam, Modernization and Globalization (ICSIMG-25) Patiya Upazila, Bangladesh
22-02-25 World Conference on Energy Materials and Fuel Cell Research (WCEMFCR-25) Savar Upazila, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on the Social Sciences, Sociology and Globalization in Asia (ICO3SGA-25) Ullapara Upazila, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Cultural Heritage Management, Heritage Curation and Interpretation (ICCHMHCI -25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences (ICMMAS-25) Chhatak Upazila, Bangladesh
22-02-25 International Conference on Veterinary Anatomy and Research (ICVAR-25) Bogra, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Sea Transportation and Logistics (ICSTL-25) Raozan Upazila, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Advances in Pure & Applied Mathematics (ICAPAM-25) Patiya Upazila, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on African Swine Fever and Epidemiological Field Investigations (ICASFEFI -25) Barisal, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on General Practice & Primary Care (ICGPPC-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Personality Psychology and Economics (ICOPPE-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Distance Education Technologies and Applications (ICDETA-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on African Studies and Media Globalization (ICASMG -25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Advanced Cosmetic Dentistry and Orthodontics (ICACDO-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on African Studies and Global Africa (ICASGAF-25) Barisal, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on History of Law and Justice (ICHLJ-25) Chhatak Upazila, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Critical Military Studies (ICCMS -25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Arts, Humanities and Art History (ICAHAH-25) Chhatak Upazila, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Health Care Reform, Health Economics and Health Policy (ICHCRHEHP-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Dental Medicine and Dental Patients (ICDMDP -25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Effects and Prevention of Diabetes (ICEPD-25) Ullapara Upazila, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Distance Education and Online Courses (ICDEOC-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Transport and Road Research (ICTRR-25) Raozan Upazila, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Discrete Applied Mathematics and Combinatorial Optimization (ICDAMCO -25) Patiya Upazila, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Agricultural Sciences and Economics (ICASAE-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
24-02-25 International Conference on Canine Dentistry and Oral Healthcare (ICCDOH-25) Ullapara Upazila, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Methods and Experiments in Modern Biology (ICMEMB-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Aquaculture Production Technology (ICAPT-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology (ICMBE-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Social Marketing and Marketing Strategies (ICSMAMS -25) Trishal Upazila, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Public Health and Rehabilitations (ICPHAR-25) Sylhet, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Mathematical Modelling in Applied Sciences (ICMMAS-25) Khulna, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise (ICMSSE-25) Bogra, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Security Studies and Threats (ICSSAT -25) Trishal Upazila, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Mathematical Ecology, Statistics and Dynamics (ICMESD-25) Savar Upazila, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Mathematical Biology and Ecology (ICMBE-25) Sylhet, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on homological algebra (ICHA-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Algebraic Geometry, Combinatorics, and Number Theory (ICGCNT-25) Savar Upazila, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Sustainable Agriculture, Environment and Forestry (ICSAEF-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Information and Education Innovations (ICIEI-25) Gazipur, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Immunology and Cell Biology (ICICB-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Occupational Safety and Health at Work (ICOSHW-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Marginalization, Exclusion, and Social Work in a Changing Society (ICMESWCS-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Insurance Mathematics and Statistics (ICIMSTAT-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Advances in Cellular Systems Biology (ICACSB-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Stroke Rehabilitation and Cardiology (ICSRC-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Physical Activity, Exercise and Physical Fitness (ICPAEPF-25) Bogra, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Forensic Analytical Chemistry, Chemometrics and Statistics (ICFACCS-25) Khulna, Bangladesh
25-02-25 International Conference on Biology and Ecology of Bioinvader Management (ICBEBM-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Computer-Aided Structural Engineering and Software Applications (ICCASESA-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Computer Science (ICOCS-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on American Philosophy and Thought (ICOAPAT -25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology (ICEIT-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Spanish and Latin American Studies (ICSLAS -25) Tongi, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Law and Policy Studies (ICILPS-25) Sylhet, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Pediatric Neurology Disorders and Treatments (ICPNDT-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Studies and Education (ICMDSAE-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Education, Learning and Management (ICELM-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Foreign Military Studies (ICOFMS -25) Gazipur, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Education, Learning and Management (ICELM-25) Rajshahi, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on American Literature and Culture (ICALC-25) Gazipur, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Transnational Studies and American Literature (ICTSAL -25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary Science, Engineering and Technology (ICIMSET -25) Sylhet, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Educational Policy Studies, Management Studies, Leadership and Practice (ICEPSMSLP -25) Tongi, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation (ICSTI-25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Collective Violence, Holocaust and Genocide Studies (ICCVHGS-25) Chhatak Upazila, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology (ICEIT-25) Patiya Upazila, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Sports Neurology (ICSN-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Education, Learning and Management (ICELM-25) Rajshahi, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Software Risk Management, Software Sizing and Estimation (ICSRMSSE -25) Chittagong, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Violence and Society (ICVS-25) Chhatak Upazila, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Educational and Instructional Technology (ICEIT-25) Ullapara Upazila, Bangladesh
26-02-25 International Conference on Computing and Information Technology (ICCIT-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
27-02-25 International Conference on Occupational Diseases and Healthcare (ICODH-25) Dhaka, Bangladesh
27-02-25 International conference on Society for Business Ethics (ICSFBE-25) Trishal Upazila, Bangladesh